Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award


The Rules:
– Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site.
– Put the award logo on your blog.
– Answer the ten questions they have set you.
– Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer.
– Nominate ten people

A couple of weeks ago I was nominated for this award by the magnificent Jennificent, whose blog you should totally check out and follow because she’s great. I’m a little late to the party on this one, but here are my answer’s to Jenn’s questions anyway!

1. Where are you blogging from?

Alabama, USA. Specifically Tuscaloosa.

2. Where do you see your blog in 5 years time?

I’m not sure. I do want to freelance blog professionally, along with working in some other publishing/writing based careers. It just depends on what happens when I finally get my degree (in the spring!!) and where I can go from there.

3. What has been your biggest “AHA!-moment” when it comes to makeup?

When my mom first told me to try bb cream and I actually did what she suggested for once. I hadn’t been much of a makeup wearer ever outside of some concealer, and maybe a powder foundation, but I didn’t know what I was doing with it. I just loved the way bb cream made my skin look so much better and it was so easy. I felt really gorgeous, which was really rare for me back then. I still use the same bb cream.

4. What is your current favorite makeup product?

I wouldn’t say that I have a favorite product that I just adore, but I do have several products I like and use often like the Lorac Pro palette, the Physicians Formula 3-in-1 Eye Booster Pen, and the Maybelline Color Tattoo in Pomegranate Punk.

5. What makeup look would you like to try, but can’t see it fitting into your daily life?

I wear whatever makeup I want whenever I want. Whether or not something “fits” my daily life doesn’t really matter to me, I just adjust everything else around it. Somedays I’ll just wear mascara and lipstick, somedays I’ll wear massively blown out smokey eyes, and on numerous occasions I have worn drag makeup to the store. I just try out whatever I want and roll with it.

6. How long does it take you to do your normal, everyday eye makeup?

Well for the past couple of weeks I’ve been stuck in glasses since I ran out of contacts and haven’t gotten a chance to get more, so my eye makeup has been really quick and minimal since I’m basically blind and can’t see what I’m doing anyway. But when I’m doing everyday makeup it tends to involve some kind of smokey eye with winged liner so it can take anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes.

7. How expensive is expensive when it comes to a makeup product or beauty product?

It honestly depends on what it is. I won’t go over $20 on a lipstick, but I think spending up to $40 on a foundation is reasonable. I think a lot of eyeshadow palettes are pushing it when they head towards the $50 range, but some I’m willing to splurge on like the Lorac Pro. I also think spending a little more on skincare is fine, although I wish that the really good skincare wasn’t quite so expensive.

8. What’s your monthly beauty budget?

Way more than I can afford.

9. What’s your favorite thing about blogging?

I honestly just like to write. I always have. Something about watching the little black letters appear on a white background and turning into something interesting has always fascinated me. Although I like the conversational part of blogging, reading what other people have to say, and putting my own opinions out into the wide wide world, it’s the actual act of writing that I enjoy the most.

10. What is the most difficult thing about blogging?

Coming up with a variety of topics. I don’t want to be all reviews, or all swatches, and so on, but it can sometimes be really difficult to think of new, interesting ideas, especially when I’m looking to youtubers and other bloggers for ideas and they’re all doing about the same thing. The makeup blogging community is pretty cyclical with its ideas, so it can be really tough to step outside of what’s already being done to find some new ideas.

My Questions For The Nominees:

1. Where are you from?
2. What’s your favorite palette?
3. Is there a makeup brand you prefer to all others?
4. If you could only wear one makeup product, what would it be?
5. Do you have any holy grail products?
6. What do you love most about blogging?
7. How long does it take you to create a blog post?
8. Is there a certain kind of post that you prefer to read more than others?
9. Have you ever tried a product because a blogger recommended it and hated/loved it?
10. What advice would you give to a brand new beauty blogger?

My Nominees (awesome people you should check out):

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